Thursday, August 28, 2014

Gone Fishing

I borrowed the title from a former blogger's last post from a few years back. The picture though is mine from right after the Nashville flood back in 2010. Always thought it was very tranquil.

After running TNR for almost five years I've decided to take a hiatus. Over the years TNR has been many things and I've enjoyed the evolution for the most part. Recently though it's become less the site I'd originally envisioned and almost a chore. Just to keep things going I've continued running the movie discussion each week which is, quite frankly, sort of the opposite of the original purpose of TNR. When you're writing just because you don't want to give up on the work you've put into something and not because it's enjoyable, it's time to take a step back.

I can't say for sure how long of a break I'll be taking. I plan on at least a couple months so I can write just for me again. I'll also be thinking about whether or not I want to revamp this site or possibly start fresh from the ground up. Maybe I'll team up with some other bloggers so that things stay more interesting next time.

Whatever the case I have no plans to take TNR down at the moment. I've put a lot of work and love into it and I'll probably steal from it revisit it later on.

I also want to thank all of you who have read and followed, commented, and connected with me elsewhere. Whether it be from the beginning, or more recent, you guys have made the experience a lot of fun. I hope to connect with you all again, if not here than through whatever project I take up in the future.

For now, I break. Who knows, maybe I'll be back in a week with something new, or maybe, I'll just really get into fishing.



  1. Be wary of a guy named Lew Zealand, if you go fishing with him he will just throw the fish you catch. I hope you find the spark that lights your writing again. Don't be a stranger, we need your great perspective in the world.

  2. We'll miss your cat reviews most of all Tim, but enjoy your hiatus Man.

  3. I am not happy to hear this, but I totally understand. I also remember who used the "gone fishing" line. That was about four years ago. I hope you won't be gone that long. Take care of yourself Tim.


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