Friday, March 11, 2011

10 Things That Suck About Neck Strains

The full title should have been "10 things that suck about having torn something in your neck at the same time a storm blows out your TV and internet. P. S. Guess where I've been the last couple of weeks?" but I thought that might be a little long.

10. Everything I wrote in the above paragraph.

9. ow.

8. Getting up... getting down... not moving...

7. What the hell is 'sleep'?

6. Ow.

5. That much harder to save the world each week.

4. Learning that TN really does hate me and have it in for me for some unknown reason.  I mean what did I do to it (other than making constant jokes about it)?

3. People insisting on talking to me at odd angles. 

2. *Ahem* OW!

1. Trying to decide which cover story to go with as I have no idea how I actually hurt my neck. Do I go with saving a kitten from a stampeding herd OR do I go with saving orphans from a burning building? (In the end I've decided to go with saving a kitten from a stampede of burning orphans)

Hopefully I should be back next week. I know how much you've all missed my wit. No? Not even a- Oh... Well couldn't you at least pretend you missed it? You can't. You say it violates all the beliefs you hold dear? I guess in that case, never mind. In fact you'd prefer Reputation@Stake continue filling in for me indefinitely? I'm afraid he can't, though don't worry, he'll still post here. Ah, at last a cheer.

By the by, Rep's got a new blog that posts links to cool sites and it's on blogger so all you people who are snobs against wordpressers have no excuse not to follow. Check it out HERE


  1. Ah, a neck strain. That's the pits. You should get some drugs. Some good ones. Whatever you don't need you can send to me.

    Glad you're recovering...slowly.

  2. bummer, but send your unused drugs to me, not to CC.

    I am thinking that you were saving some orphaned cats from a burning building while being chased by 332 Zombie school children.

    Excuse me while I run from the Tsunami....

  3. That just sucks. Sorry to hear that. Hope it gets better soon.

  4. Ouch! I hope you are feeling better soon. Neck pain is the worst! Take care. - G

  5. Yeah? Well I just broke a nail.

  6. Necks! Who needs 'em, huh? I mean, what are they good for, really? I say you just remove it altogether. It's just simpler.

  7. Of course we have missed you! Hope you feel better soon and all that there technology gets back in working order.

  8. Neck strains are a sign of getting older....ow!

  9. Hope you feel better soon! Of course I've missed you!!! You were always one of the first to comment on my blog entries! It was nice to see your smiling face again yesterday. :)

  10. I'm GUESSING you slept wrong on your neck, but YOUR story is way more interesting.

    Thanks for finding my blog today and leaving me a fun Tennessee Grandson comment!

  11. I was expecting number 1 to be the fact that we've had to deal with Rep's posts while you're away.

    As long as the story involves orphans (or as Gwen said, orphaned cats) you're golden. Get better soon!

  12. On the bright side, at least it isnt flooding down there again?

  13. Neck pain certainly sucks!!! Though I used a Chiro and I was right as rain. BTW...made you blog of the day. I know, I know, you're probably used to that by now. Off to click HERE.

  14. Oh man, neck injuries are the worst. A few weeks ago I just slept funny and I couldn't turn my head to the left, which made attempting to drive reallllllll fun.

    Feel better!!

  15. So sorry. Hope you're back to a painfree existence very soon. Rep's a great fill-in, but he's not you and you're not him and I'm sure we'd all like to keep it that way - especially you two.

  16. feel better man! i hope you're back on your feet soon (or at least able to look left and right). :)

  17. Really missed you, dude, and even though I was filling in, I was--as it's been said--"only creating mediocre copies of another man's genius." Really glad you're feeling better.

  18. Take miss your wit though Rep is doing an admirable job...the fact that I have been on holiday makes it easier not having your non reviews around... :)

  19. Eeeesh - that is a brutal combo.

    Glad things are looking up and you're back in business.

  20. Now that really is a pain in the neck! I hope you get over this soon! I know it sucks...

  21. Pulling a muscle in your neck is the WORST! It's the kind of pain that makes me angry too!


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