Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Brief Message From The Dinosaur Party

True The Dinosaur Party will not be on ballots this go round, but it is a privilege to say who we want in office. So remember to get out there and vote today for the humans of your choice. 

And don't forget to show your support for The Dinosaur Party by following on Facebook and Twitter. We still have to put up with humans running things for two more years but in 2012 it'll be all dinos all the time.


  1. I was so disappointed when I noticed that there were no dinos on the ballot today...

  2. You need to read the current dr. mcninja storyline as it deals closely with dinosaurs and how one may someday become president.

  3. I'd go so far as to say voting in this country is a RIGHT....not just a privilege. Though we are privileged to have that right. :)

    T-Rex! RAAAAWWWWR!!!!

  4. Pat, 2012, that's the target.

    Budd, I'll have to check that out, thanks.

    Marlene, Usually people say it's not just a right but a privilege, I was just jumping the first step. I see you're in favor of T-Rex, polls show him out to an early lead for candidates. lol

  5. I joined the T-Rex party, just so I can party with a T-Rex. Can't wait til he takes office.

  6. PS You guessed right! I hope you don't mind that I passed the game onto you too. xo

  7. Thank you. I would prefer a robo-call next time.

  8. But there is still a chance to get them on the ballot in Canada, right? If Doug Henning can get his party on the ballot, then so too can T-Rex! - G

  9. Ohhh, that is what write-ins are for my friend... But, AGAIN, my vote didnt count for Governor Dinosaur


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