Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sketch: The old man

My brother and some friends have decided to start an online sketch troupe. For the most part I'm expecting to get the necessary hardware I've been lacking after the flood so I can actually use my good camera again. In the meantime however, my brother and one of our friends started talking over a sketch and decided to do a sort of trial run through using a Blackberry as the camera. 

The picture is not the greatest and the sound is pretty bad, I warn you. It makes my brother sound like he's breathing really heavy, but that's just the phone. Nevertheless I wanted to share this with you cause I still think it's pretty funny, equipment aside. And hopefully in the future I'll have more to sketches to share.


  1. Every neighborhood has one of those wild and cranky varmints.

    pretty darn funny!

  2. Can't wait for more video sketches! Very exciting times my friend. Very exciting times.

  3. Old people in cages. Classic!!! Bring on more videos!

  4. Good stuff. Better than what the current cast and writers of SNL are producing.

  5. Awesome ... and this is a weird compliment, but your bro has a really good speaking voice.

    And - if you haven't in the past, you should check out The State (a sketch comedy show that was on MTV in the 90s).

  6. LOL!!! I don't want one of those as a pet.

  7. You said this was in your neighborhood right??? I thought I saw something like this down the street last weekend...probably a drunk sleepin' it off.

  8. The sound of loud breathing actually makes this more humorous and even a bit scary. I was expecting Jason or Freddy Kruger to approach your brother. (Maybe that will happen in Part II.)

  9. Did you brother survive? Did the old man get him?

  10. Ugghh...can't view it at work.
    Can't wait to get home!!

  11. So funny! I loved the babbling of the old man. And your brother does have a really good speaking voice--sailed through all the emotional changes without breaking a sweat.

    One little detail: the old man's shoes gots to be fastened with velcro!

  12. I have one of these creatures in MY neighborhood too! I just throw sausage over the fence and he calms down quickly.


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