Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The greatest toy since the bread slicer!

My brother got me a toy this week* in the spirit of Easter. It's a wind up, from Hubba Bubba. Here's a short video of the toy in action:

Video was shot with a phone, so I know the quality isn't the greatest, but you can see the brilliance of the toy. It's everything you'd want and more in a windup, gum laying chicken.

10 out 10

*It was actually over a week ago, I just forgot to post this.


  1. LOL...I've seen the walking hens before, but NEVER one that laid eggs as it walked!
    yum, a little tiny omelet sounds real good right about now!

  2. The speed and force at which those 'gum poops' come out of that chicken are beautifully horrific.

  3. This is excellent...where might one procure this??

  4. And by the way...how IS your brother? Tell him we said hi!

  5. Joe, Thanks for asking, he's doing a better, though we still haven't heard back from the doctors yet. You find the chicken at Walgreens. It's a very silly bit of fun.

  6. That is freaking awesome! I want a walking pooping chicken. Now if only it played the "chicken dance" I would die.

  7. Wait, is this a retro toy? I need to know this because I remember this as a kid - are they still making these?

  8. That is cute. My kids would love this toy. I wonder if I can find one for Easter.

  9. That's awesome! Will it work with jelly beans? I've got to get one of those for my son!

  10. YEAH. RIGHT. I want a chicken toy that poops gum!



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